Roadtek, Department of Main Roads v Philip Davenport & Ors [2006] QSC 47

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – JUDICIAL REVIEW – GENERALLY – where review sought of decision made by adjudicator under Building and Construction Industry Payment Act 2004 – where dispute over supply of road material to the applicant – where applicant took delivery of goods – where applicant claimed defects in goods delivered – where defects disputed by second respondent – where contract contained clauses relating to fitness for purpose of goods – where adjudicator made no findings with regard to compliance of materials – whether adjudicator erred in finding that property in the materials had not passed to the applicant – whether adjudicator’s decision was an improper exercise of power stemming from failure to consider that the material was no the property of the applicant - Judicial Review Act 1991 (Qld)
Building and Construction Industry Payment Act 2004 (Qld) - Brodyn Pty Limited t/as Time Cost and Quality v Philip Davenport and Ors [2003] NSWSC 1019, cited

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